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change the world.

Community Impact Programs (CIP) is a none governmental organization that aims to improve community health ,addressing environmental and climate issues, your donation makes all this happen better 

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Everyday Evertime people need others to make them still alive and your the one who can make this happen your love others life.

Give them better health

addressing environmental

Smooth climate

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Because We Can

How can we
help them?

It is important to take care of the patient, to be followed by the patient, but it will happen at such a time that there is a lot of work and pain. But the element of time is needed. But all this with good weather, there will be good nutritious food and access to health services and this will be the answer for all problems

  • Help for education about environment
  • Help for water
  • Help for humanity & health
  • Help for food
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Better climate today. Health tomorrow.
Hope for generations.


Real people.
Real transformation

Words of wisdom are used to give hope and instruction to people

All Reviews
“Having clean water would be like having a peaceful and happy life.”
Madina, Ethiopia
Environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect.”
Mohith, Agadi
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Support a community impact programs today

are social programs that enable people to live well.

  • Help for education
  • Help for humanity
  • Help for health
  • Help for climet
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humanity, reach
out & help

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Small actions lead
to big change.

Contribute now and make changes.

the Lifewater Way

We do it all for people
humans project

Our Mission

We won’t stop until everyone get better life

Improving the living standard of the vulnerable population through the provision of health services, psychological services, economic empowerment and social behaviour communication and changes